Pieśń Nad Pieśniami, Czyli Ballada Człowieka O Miłości

Pieśń Nad Pieśniami, Czyli Ballada Człowieka O Miłości

Jacek Zieliński, Skaldowie
Genre: Jazz, Polish
Format: LP
Condition: M/M (Unplayed / NEW)
€ 23

Skaldowie are one of the best and most popular bands in the history of Polish rock music.

In their first period of activity, they played beat inspired by classical music. They then progressed towards ambitious progressive rock where the Hammond organ sound played a dominant role. In the second half of the 70’s, they returned to a simpler synthesis of art rock and pop.

This album, prepared for the 70th birthday of Jacek Zieliński, one of Skaldowie’s leaders, is a special vinyl edition of a 3-part spectacle at the intersection of rock, poetry and theatre — Pieśni nad pieśniami, czyli ballady człowieka o miłości.